Chamber Course Offerings
How To Do Pricing For Your Service-Based Business Without Calculations That Make Your Head Hurt
In this live and interactive workshop, we’ll be covering all of the foundational concepts that we use in our ValueDiscovery Pricing Method (VDP) for how to come up with pricing in your service-based business.
To help with the process,we use three in-house calculators so you don’t need to be bogged down with the math. This ensures that most of the time you spend is devoted to understanding the foundations of pricing, so you leave with the confidence needed to state your price, and defend it if need be, going forward.
If interested, click below to register for this workshop today!
How to Calculate the Optimum Combination of Your Products & Services You Should Pursue Given Your Time, Talent And Other Resources
TBAS is offering compliance assistance & education. In the area of compliance, we'll be assisting with filing taxes, business op registrations, OPR registration & qualification, annual returns, etc.
The Fundamentals of Marketing for the Small Business
For anyone providing services to the government for which they'll be paid government funds, directly or indirectly, being registered with Office of procurement. Registration is now a mandatory requirement. We help with that.
How to Write Digital Ads That Actually Sell
For all entities that fall within the OPR's predetermined categories, being pre-qualified is now mandatory requirement if they're to be paid government funds, directly or indirectly. We help with that.