Learn from our MEMBERS-ONLY tutorial videos
As an Ally with a Chamber account, these videos, though unavailable to the public, are immediately accessible to you. Some of the titles in this hidden area are, “The First Employee You Must Hire”, “How Tax Write-offs Work”, and more!
Get EXCLUSIVE access to our webinar replays
Though we’ll be promoting webinars to the public in the following three main areas. . .
Upcoming course & workshop material
Business trends affecting local business
Government activity that will impact domestic commerce and more!
. . .if you miss them or would like to rewatch, they’ll only be available to members and allies.
Avail yourself of our PRIVATE suite of business tools
Like our NIS calculator that helps you to calculate 5, 10, 15, 20 or more employee/employer payments in just a couple of minutes, saving you time that could be spent elsewhere.
Or our Annual Returns Calculator that ensures you can quickly determine how much you owe the government in late payments.
Or any of the other productivity tools within the suite.
Be among the FIRST to hear of our new courses and workshops.
Why is this beneficial? Because we normally take a limited number of persons per session, and if you hear about a course or workshop after it’s been fully subscribed, you’ll likely have to wait a couple of months before the next cohort is taken in.
Mentor Sessions
This is the Chamber's newest program where business people who have practical know-how are matched with business people who need that knowledge in informal monthly meet-ups that happen at our headquarters.
Don't wait any longer by continuing to deprive yourself of the benefits the Chamber is extending to you for simply being one of us.